The growing pains of a homegrown PROVIDER compENSATION solution and the need to replace it The benefits and outputs of a provider compensation...

The growing pains of a homegrown PROVIDER compENSATION solution and the need to replace it The benefits and outputs of a provider compensation...
Our ability to automate and optimize even the most complex compensation plans is one of the core differentiators of our solution. The ability to do...
It is common during the initial stages of our implementation process for our conversations to involve best practices for managing and automating...
Appropriately incentivizing your providers is imperative to drive strategy and alignment within your organization. But, what makes sense in theory,...
Delve into the heart of what truly matters for organizations – cultivating a culture of compassion, empathy, and excellence.
Uplevel your compensation management and improve retention, productivity and performance.
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ProCARE partnered with a leading cancer treatment center to reduce compensation errors and overhead and improve provider trust.
“ProCARE understands the business of compensation. They were our guides for building a platform for today and for the future.”
– Mat Hanley,
VP of Finance