by ProCARE Portal | Oct 6, 2022 | Perspectives, The CARE Culture
Jack Liu and Dr. Hamlet Benyamin join Mark Reiboldt to discuss the shift from a one size fits all approach to precision medicine which is individualized to each person. Dr. Benyamin defines precision experience as the unique experience a person needs as they enter the...
by ProCARE Portal | Sep 26, 2022 | Perspectives, Physician Comp, The CARE Culture
Welcome to our September issue of ProCARE Perspectives, where we highlight important, relevant healthcare news, compensation trends, and provider integration topics. We’re here to help you keep up with it all! Jack – Shortages Continue, Provider Compensation Evolves...
by ProCARE Portal | Aug 31, 2022 | Physician Comp, The CARE Culture
By Dr. Hamlet Benyamin The world is on the other side of the COVID19 pandemic. Healthcare systems have been challenged, and people have died during this crisis. The time for change is now. Leaders, payors, governments, patients, and the workforce agree that if the...
by ProCARE Portal | Aug 15, 2022 | Perspectives, Physician Comp, ProCARE
Welcome to our inaugural issue of ProCARE Perspectives, where we highlight important, relevant healthcare, compensation, and provider integration topics. We’re here to help you keep up with it all! Jack ––– Physician Well-being Matters Well, that’s if you place...
by ProCARE Portal | Aug 11, 2022 | Insights, Perspectives
In this episode of The CARE Culture webinar series we take a thoughtful look at healthcare workforce, employee experience, and the critical factors that influence burnout, productivity and satisfaction. Dr. Hamlet Benyamin, Internist and ProCARE’s Chief Medical...